Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am NOT a H....

I am not a Hypochondriac!
If you are not sure what that means - "go look it up"!  (That last quote is one my children always hated.)

Last night over our frequent Yahtzee hour, Hubby and I were expressing our differing beliefs in how to get information.  He loves the Computer or anything Electronic.  I go to the written word - I can get my answers quicker from a Book than by waiting to Log-on, Process and Down-load.

Later when Hubby was sound asleep and I'm getting ready for bed, I was shocked to see signs of Internal Bleeding. 

My first thought was - "Where did that come from?" 

Rather than hyper-ventilate and go into a self-induced Panic Attack I calmly went to the COMPUTER and Logged on, Processed and Down-loaded my concern.  I was directed to the Mayo Clinic.

Do I call the Paramedics?  NOW?????

Breath deep
Finish reading.

SO - I learned my internal bleeding was a sign of Kidney failure, Bladder infection, or Cancer of either Kidneys or Bladder.  Or Both!

Great!  I am going to die.  I will book a 10 day cruise tomorrow, after I see the doctor, and Hubby and I will play non-stop till the funeral.  I do not want to spend the rest of my LIFE being sick!

But I did keep reading.........

Laughing out so loudly I should have woken my sleeping hubby, I began to relax at the same time I was regretting that I would not get to take my dream cruise!  In case you are interested I want to cruise on the Eastern Canada and New England  run in the Fall when all the stately old trees are dancing in their colorful autumn dresses.  Such a fabulous trip deserves a Balcony Room don't you think?

So, what did I learn by using Hubby's way of looking up information?

Apparently eating BEETS will cause the appearance of internal bleeding.  Little baby beets the size of golf balls that taste so sweet they could pass for candy.  Little baby beets with the greens steamed and the juices so rich and burgundy that they stain your fingers when you slip off the hot skins.  Little baby beets that are so tasty you and Hubby decide to grow more next year. 

Guess what WE had for dinner?

Like I say, I AM NOT a H.....!