Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Every Fall I look forward to the big cold snap that we all know is coming. 

On that first FREEZING COLD DAY I have an annual job that I actually look forward to - I defrost the freezer!  I do not like to clean the house.  I do not dream of weeding the yard.  I always put off the Ironing.  But every year I can't wait for the messy, sloppy and COLD job of defrosting the freezer! 

So in the spirit of the Christmas Holiday Season please sing the chorus along with me....

"On the 12 Cold Days of Winter my Freezer gave to me"  -

12  lbs. of Burger

11  Blocks of Butter

10  Jars of Spices

9   Cans of O.J.

8   Bags of Creamed Corn

7   Packs of  "Clearance Steaks"

6   lbs. of Chocolate Chips

5   Loaves of  Rhodes Dough  ( hold............... )

4   Tubs of Freezer Jam

3   Icey Chickens

2   Bowls of Cool whip


1  Big Fat Frozen Turkey!


Friday, December 4, 2009

"Today Is Your BIrthday"

I am blessed to be married to a man who LOVES Birthdays.  He relishes the singing, the presents, the cake and ice cream , and just the fact that he has one special day.  And he likes that for 5 whole days he is older than me!

This year puts me closer to 60 than to 55.  What ever happened to all those years???  Even The Beatles song "Today Is Your Birthday" I had in my head this morning hints at my years!

But if I have learned one thing in all my "days"  it would be that having a Birthday doesn't mean you are old -  it just announces that you are still here. 
And at 58 here I am!   :  )

So in celebration of yet another year I will joyfully proclaim.....

"Happy Birthday to Me": )