Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's A Good Day?

Yesterday on my Facebook Account I posted my Gratitude for Family, Friends and a GOOD DAY.

A sweet friend responded with the Question - What is a Good Day for Gail Jenkins?

To give you perspective, here is the Reader's Digest version of what led to this Good Day -

DECEMBER - Multiple Mammograms

JANUARY - Breast Biopsy, 3 MRI's, 3 CT Scans, 3 X-rays, and multiple Blood tests.
Tests led to Diagnosis of Grade 1 Ductile Carcinoma,   AND the finding of a Separate unrelated TUMOR the size of a  Cantaloupe in the back of my chest wall - pressing on the Spine, the Right Lung and other Vitals.

February - Breast Surgery. Biopsy of Chest Tumor. News that Chest Tumor was Benign. Recuperation from Breast Surgery.

March - Playing the Waiting Game to learn of Surgery Date for Tumor Removal.  Recuperation continues from February's Mastectomy.

April - Surgery to remove Tumor required TWO Specialist Surgeons.  Neurosurgeon to remove Tumor from Spine.  Thoracic Surgeon to remove Tumor from Chest. Each surgeon needed their own LONG incision!

May - Recuperating from all the above.

Now to the Question posed on May 18, 2011
What makes a GOOD Day for Gail Jenkins?

You know it's a Good Day when you can put on your own Socks and Walking Shoes.

You know it's a Good Day when Food sounds GOOD,  you are Hungry, and you are Excited to eat!

You know ti's a Good Day when a young Mom sends over her Dad's Special Recipe and EVERY bite is like Healing Medicine.  It was the first meal I ate two helpings!    :  )

You know it's a Good Day when the Alarm rings before you need the next round of Pain Meds.

You know it's a Good Day when you don't need a Nap every 3 hours.

You know it's a Good Day when you are ready for your 1st Post-Surgery trip to WalMart and you enjoy it!

Now hoping for the NEXT  Good Day!     :  )

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. . . You are an amazing person! You are just going to have more and more good days. . . I am sure of it!
