Friday, November 4, 2011

I Don't Need Pink

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Pink Ribbons everywhere.....   
Pots and Pans 
Rubber Spatulas
Did anything NOT have pink?

It has been 11 months since my Breast Cancer diagnosis,
and 9 months since Surgery.
I have not needed Pink or Ribbons to remind me.

I am reminded every morning when I get dressed.
I am reminded whenever I try to reach a high shelf.
I am reminded each time I look in the mirror.
I am reminded when I pull weeds or clean the floors.
I am reminded when I try to exercise.
I am reminded when it is time to do the ironing.
I am reminded each time I get into and out of the car.
I am reminded at bedtime when I have to  "rotisserie" all night long to get comfortable.
I am reminded when I need help carrying my Scripture Bag on Sundays.
I am reminded at the Airport when I need to wear a compression arm sleeve and my prosthesis sends a "red flag" to the Security Screener.

Although I still need Love and Hugs   -

I do not need "Pink Ribbons" to Remember.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Must Be Feeling Better When.....

Two Surgery Dates.
Three Surgeons.
Four months of Healing.
Eight Weeks of Trying to get better.

  • They say it's the Little Things that matter.

You know you are feeling better when -
Eating is no longer "Operation Force Feed"
Long toe nails drive you to BEND OVER and CLIP!

You know you are feeling better when -
Lost the need to drag pillows room to room.
When said pillows don't sport pillowcases that MATCH the couch and you Change Pillowcases.

You know you are feeling better when -
Braving the cold rain you make an excursion into the back yard to Pick Tulips.
Can keep up with your son's Dog on a Neighborhood Walk.

You know you are feeling better when -
No longer need to cuddle up with your Lap Quilt.
Actually use a Recipe to make Dinner.

And finally -
You know you are feeling better when you investigate a stray Grocery Sack and learn the Easter Bunny left His GARBAGE in your Bedroom Closet.    :  )

  • Thank Goodness for the Little Things!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's A Good Day?

Yesterday on my Facebook Account I posted my Gratitude for Family, Friends and a GOOD DAY.

A sweet friend responded with the Question - What is a Good Day for Gail Jenkins?

To give you perspective, here is the Reader's Digest version of what led to this Good Day -

DECEMBER - Multiple Mammograms

JANUARY - Breast Biopsy, 3 MRI's, 3 CT Scans, 3 X-rays, and multiple Blood tests.
Tests led to Diagnosis of Grade 1 Ductile Carcinoma,   AND the finding of a Separate unrelated TUMOR the size of a  Cantaloupe in the back of my chest wall - pressing on the Spine, the Right Lung and other Vitals.

February - Breast Surgery. Biopsy of Chest Tumor. News that Chest Tumor was Benign. Recuperation from Breast Surgery.

March - Playing the Waiting Game to learn of Surgery Date for Tumor Removal.  Recuperation continues from February's Mastectomy.

April - Surgery to remove Tumor required TWO Specialist Surgeons.  Neurosurgeon to remove Tumor from Spine.  Thoracic Surgeon to remove Tumor from Chest. Each surgeon needed their own LONG incision!

May - Recuperating from all the above.

Now to the Question posed on May 18, 2011
What makes a GOOD Day for Gail Jenkins?

You know it's a Good Day when you can put on your own Socks and Walking Shoes.

You know it's a Good Day when Food sounds GOOD,  you are Hungry, and you are Excited to eat!

You know ti's a Good Day when a young Mom sends over her Dad's Special Recipe and EVERY bite is like Healing Medicine.  It was the first meal I ate two helpings!    :  )

You know it's a Good Day when the Alarm rings before you need the next round of Pain Meds.

You know it's a Good Day when you don't need a Nap every 3 hours.

You know it's a Good Day when you are ready for your 1st Post-Surgery trip to WalMart and you enjoy it!

Now hoping for the NEXT  Good Day!     :  )